Deploy Edge Node Manually

Edge node can be registered automatically. But if you want to deploy edge node manually, here is an example.

  • Generate node’s configuration file
  "kind": "Node",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": $nodename,
    "labels": {
      "name": "$nodename",
      "": ""


  1. the must keep in line with edgecore’s config modules.edged.hostnameOverride.
  2. Make sure role is set to edge for the node. For this a key of the form "" must be present in metadata.labels. If role is not set for the node, the pods, configmaps and secrets created/updated in the cloud cannot be synced with the node they are targeted for.
  • Deploy edge node (you must run the command on cloud side)
kubectl apply -f ./node.json